Light Gauge Steel (LGS) Stud

Light gauge steel (LGS) studs are one of the most common applications of light gauge steel in construction. These light gauge steel studs are thin, lightweight steel beams that are used as a framework for walls and ceilings. They are typically spaced at regular intervals and secured to a base plate to form a sturdy wall structure. Our light gauge metal framings are lightweight, yet strong and durable, making them an excellent alternative to traditional wood or concrete studs.


Light gauge steel (LGS) studs offer an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, making them suitable for various construction applications. They provide excellent structural integrity, withstand heavy loads, and are resistant to warping, rotting, and insects. Additionally, their precision and dimensional stability ensure easy installation and efficient construction practices, reducing waste. Our light gauge metal framings are versatile and can be used in a wide range of wall assemblies, including interior partitions, exterior walls, and load-bearing structures, offering flexibility in design and construction.

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