Composite Steel Floor Decking for Concrete Slabs

The composite steel floor decking is a versatile and widely used solution for constructing concrete slabs in buildings. It involves the installation of steel decking, that serves as a formwork during the concrete pouring process and provides structural support to the concrete slab once it has cured. These steel floor deckings are corrugated, which enhances their strength, rigidity, and load-bearing capacity.


The pre-engineered composite steel decking for concrete slabs is manufactured to precise specifications, allowing for easy and quick installation. This not only helps to expedite the construction timeline but also reduces labor costs. Additionally, the composite nature of the steel floor decking, which combines the strength of steel with the compressive strength of concrete, results in a highly efficient and durable flooring system.

Benefits of Using Composite Steel Floor Decking

The composite steel floor decking provides excellent structural stability and load-bearing capacity. It enhances the strength and rigidity of the concrete slab, allowing longer spans between supporting beams or columns. This not only maximizes usable floor space but also reduces the need for additional structural elements, saving cost and increasing design flexibility.


Another significant advantage is the fire resistance of composite steel decking for concrete slabs. The combination of steel and concrete creates a fire-resistant assembly that can withstand high temperatures and prevent the rapid spread of flames. This fire resistance enhances the overall safety of the building and provides occupants valuable evacuation time in the event of a fire.


In addition, composite steel decking for concrete floors offers excellent durability, ensuring a long service life with minimal maintenance requirements. The galvanized or coated steel used in the corrugated metal floor decking provides protection against corrosion and ensures the longevity of the floor system. This durability contributes to the overall sustainability of the building by reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.

Applications of Composite Steel Floor Decking

The composite steel floor decking is widely used in a variety of construction projects, including commercial and residential buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities. It can provide a strong, durable, and cost-effective flooring system that can withstand heavy loads and high traffic volumes.


Composite Steel Floor Decking for Concrete Slabs

Rib Height


Rib Distance


Modular Width


Feeding Width


Available Thickness


Available Material

PPGI / PPGL / Aluminum sheets / Al-Mg-Mn alloy metal sheets

Surface Treatment

Original pre-painted color or stone glazed looking

Coating Type

PE, PVDF, HDP, SMP, etc.

Available Length

Max 5.95 meters for 20ft container

Max 11.95 meters for 40ft container


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