Fiber Board

Fiber board is a composite material that is widely used in the construction industry for its versatile properties. It is made by combining wood fibers with binders and applying heat and pressure to create a dense and durable board. AMJ offers various types of fiber board, including medium density fiber board, high density fiber board, and low density fiber board, each with varying levels of density and strength.


Fiber board has excellent insulating properties. It offers thermal insulation, sound absorption, and vibration damping capabilities, making it ideal for applications where temperature control and acoustic performance are important. The high density particle board is commonly used in wall panels, ceiling tiles, and flooring systems to enhance energy efficiency and create comfortable and quiet indoor environments. Additionally, fiber board can be easily shaped, cut, and molded into various forms, allowing for intricate designs and customized solutions.

Oriented Strand Board (OSB)

Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)

Manufacturing Process of Fiber Board

Fiber Preparation: The first step is to prepare the fibers by debarking and chipping the logs or plants. The wood or plant material is then processed to separate the fibers and remove impurities. The fibers are often screened and refined to achieve the desired fiber length and quality.


Fiber Formation: Once the fibers are prepared, they are mixed with a binder, which is usually a synthetic resin or a natural adhesive. The fiber and binder mixture is blended to ensure uniform distribution of the adhesive. The adhesive helps bond the fibers together during the pressing stage.


Mat Formation: The fiber and binder mixture is then formed into a mat or mat-like structure. This can be done by spreading the mixture on a conveyor belt or by forming it into sheets or mats using specialized machinery. The mat is carefully controlled in terms of thickness, density, and fiber orientation to achieve the desired board characteristics.


Pressing: The formed mat is placed into a hot press, where heat and pressure are applied. The heat softens the adhesive, allowing it to flow and bond the fibers together, while the pressure compacts the mat to the desired thickness. The pressing process can be carried out in multiple stages to ensure proper bonding and density.


Finishing: After pressing, the fiber board is trimmed to the desired size and shape. The edges may be profiled or machined to achieve specific design requirements. Depending on the intended application, the surface of the fiber board can undergo additional treatments such as sanding, coating, or lamination to enhance its appearance and performance.

Advantages of Fibe Board

Fiber board is a versatile material that can be used in a wide range of applications. It can be easily cut, shaped, and machined to meet specific design requirements. This versatility allows for its use in wall panels, ceilings, flooring, doors, and other interior elements. Additionally, the high density particle board can be laminated, veneered, or painted to achieve different finishes and styles, providing designers and builders with flexibility and customization options.


Fiber board exhibits high dimensional stability due to its homogeneous composition. It is less susceptible to warping, shrinking, or expanding compared to solid wood, making it suitable for applications where stability is crucial. The high density particle board also has a uniform density and strength throughout the material, ensuring consistent performance and reliable structural support. This makes fiber board a reliable and durable choice for construction applications where stability and consistency are essential.


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