Light Steel Keel

Light steel keel is a versatile and efficient construction material widely used in both residential and commercial building projects. AMJ light steel keel is made from cold-formed galvanized steel, which offers excellent strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. It consists of lightweight steel studs, tracks, and other components that are assembled to create a structural framework for walls, ceilings, and partitions.


Our light steel keel is known for its flexibility and versatility in design. It can be easily customized and modified to accommodate various architectural and structural requirements. The modular nature of light steel keel components allows for quick and efficient installation, reducing construction time and labor costs. Additionally, the light steel keel offers excellent dimensional stability, ensuring precise and consistent construction throughout the project.

Advantages and Characteristics of Light Steel Keel

Lightweight: Light steel keel is significantly lighter than traditional construction materials such as timber or concrete. Its lightweight nature makes it easier to handle, transport, and install on-site. This characteristic also reduces the overall load on the building’s foundation and structure, allowing for more efficient design and construction.


Strength and Durability: Despite its lightweight, the light steel keel offers excellent strength and durability. It is made from high-quality, cold-formed galvanized steel that provides structural integrity and resilience. AMJ light steel keel can effectively bear the load, resist bending, and can maintain its shape for a long time, ensuring long-term structural stability.


Versatility and Flexibility: The light steel keel system is highly versatile and flexible, enabling various architectural and design possibilities. The modular nature of the components enables easy customization and modification to meet specific project requirements. This versatility enables architects and designers to create innovative and unique structures.


Fire and Pest Resistance: Light steel keel is inherently fire-resistant, offering enhanced safety in case of fire. It does not contribute to the spread of flames and can withstand high temperatures. Additionally, steel is impervious to pests such as termites and rodents, eliminating the risk of structural damage caused by these organisms.


Sustainability: Light steel keel is an environmentally-friendly construction material. The steel used in the light steel keel system is recyclable and can be reused after its service life. The manufacturing process of light steel keel involves minimal waste generation compared to other construction methods, contributing to sustainable building practices.


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