Roof Ice & Water Shield

Roof ice & water shield is an essential component in protecting roofs against water damage and ice-related issues. Made of rubberized bituminous material, this roof ice and water shield is self-adhesive and can be glued directly to the roof structure. It is installed under roof tiles or other roofing materials to form a waterproof barrier. Designed specifically for regions with cold climates or areas prone to heavy rainfall, this specialized underlayment serves as a reliable barrier against water infiltration and the formation of ice dams.


The main purpose of ice & water shield is to prevent water from seeping into the underlying layers of the roof, especially in vulnerable areas such as valleys, eaves, and around roof penetrations like vents and chimneys. It helps to prevent leaks caused by ice dams, which form when snow on the roof melts and refreezes at the colder eaves, creating a barrier that traps water. By effectively preventing water penetration, roof ice and water shield plays a pivotal role in safeguarding roofs from potential damage caused by leaks, moisture, and ice dams.

Roof Ice & Water Shield

Roof Ice & Water Shield
Roof Ice & Water Shield
Roof Ice & Water Shield
Roof Ice & Water Shield

How Roof Ice & Water Shields Act as Barriers

Roof ice and water shields act as barriers by providing a reliable and continuous layer of protection against water infiltration and the formation of ice dams. Here’s how they act as barriers:


Waterproof Membrane: Roof ice and water shields are designed with a waterproof membrane, made of rubberized asphalt or bitumen material. This ice and water membrane effectively seals the vulnerable areas of the roof, such as valleys, eaves, and roof penetrations, preventing water from seeping through and causing leaks.


Self-adhesive Nature: Roof ice and water shields are self-adhesive, allowing them to securely bond to the roof deck and surrounding roofing materials. This ensures a watertight seal, creating a barrier that prevents water from penetrating the roofing system.


Continuous Coverage: Roof ice and water shields are installed in a continuous manner, extending across the roof’s lower edges, valleys, and other areas susceptible to water penetration. This seamless coverage provides uninterrupted protection, eliminating potential weak points where water could infiltrate.


Prevention of Ice Dam Formation: By acting as a barrier, roof snow and ice shields help prevent the formation of ice dams. The ice and water shield underlayments create a smooth surface that inhibits the accumulation of snow and ice, reducing the likelihood of water backup and subsequent damage caused by ice dams.

Installation Procedure of Roof Ice & Water Shield

The installation procedure of roof ice and water shield involves several key steps to ensure its effective performance in protecting against water infiltration and ice dam formation. To begin, the roof surface must be properly prepared by cleaning it of debris and ensuring it is dry. Next, starting at the eaves, the rain and ice shield is horizontally unrolled with overhang, firmly pressed onto the roof deck to ensure a tight bond. Any wrinkles or air bubbles should be smoothed out to achieve optimal adhesion, and subsequent rows overlap the previous ones. Special attention is given to vulnerable areas like valleys, roof penetrations, and roof features, where the shield is carefully cut and fitted for precise coverage. It is crucial to follow the specific guidelines provided by the manufacturer to ensure proper installation and maximum effectiveness of the roof ice and water shield.


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