Wooden Floor

Wood is natural, and its annual rings and texture can often form a beautiful picture, giving people a feeling of returning to nature and returning to simplicity.

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Wooden Floor

Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor


1. Beautiful and Natural:

Wood is natural, and its annual rings and texture can often form a beautiful picture, giving people a feeling of returning to nature and returning to simplicity. Regardless of the texture, it has a unique style and is widely loved by people.

2. Non-Polluting:

Wood is the most typical dual-green product. There is no pollution source in itself. Some wood has aromatic tincture, which emits a healthy and soothing aroma; its epigenetic material is an organic fertilizer that is easily absorbed by the soil.

3. Lightweight and Strong:

Wood generally floats on water, with a few exceptions. In this way, using wood as a building material is easier to transport and lay than metal building materials and stone. According to the experimental results, the tensile strength of pine is 3 times that of steel, 25 times that of concrete, 50 times that of Dali, and 4 times that of marble. . Especially as a ground material (wooden floor), it can better reflect its advantages.

4. Easy to Process:

Wood can be sawed, planed, cut, cut and even nailed at will, so it can be used more flexibly in building materials and play its potential role, while metal concrete, stone, etc. do not have this function due to their hardness, so the use of materials will also cause damage. wasteful or unrealistic.

5. Good Thermal Insulation:

Wood does not conduct heat easily, and concrete has a very high thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of steel is 200 times that of wood.

6. Adjust the Temperature:

Wood can absorb moisture and evaporate. The optimum humidity of the human body in the atmosphere is between 60% and 70%, and the characteristics of wood can maintain the humidity within the range of human comfort.

7. Not Easy to Condense:

Due to the moisture retention of wood, the humidity control performance is stronger than that of metal, stone or concrete. Therefore, when the weather is humid, or the temperature drops, there will be no sweating phenomenon like water beads on the surface. In this way, when wood is used as a wooden floor, it will not cause unnecessary trouble due to the slippery ground.

8. Strong Durability:

The earthquake resistance and corrosion resistance of wood are treated by technology as well as other building materials. There are many famous old buildings that are still standing after thousands of years of wind and rain, and many old wooden boats have been immersed in water for a long time. to still sturdy.

9. Mitigate the impact:

The impact and resistance of wood and human body are softer and more natural than other building materials, which is beneficial to human health and protects the living safety of the elderly and children.

10. Wood Can Be Recycled:

Coal, oil, steel, and wood are all important resources for human beings, among which wood can be regenerated through planting. As long as the forest is well protected, it can be inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

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